Friday, October 11, 2024

Acts Chapter Twenty-Six

 Act 26:1  And Agrippa said to Paul, It is allowed for you yourself to speak. Then Paul made a defense, stretching out the hand: 

Act 26:2  Concerning all of which I am accused by Jews, king Agrippa, I count myself happy being about to make defense before you today, 

Act 26:3  you being most of all expert, knowing of all the customs and questions also among the Jews. Because of this, I beg you patiently to hear me. 

Act 26:4  Truly, then, all the Jews know my way of life from youth, which from the beginning had been in my nation in Jerusalem, 

Act 26:5  who before knew me from the first, if they will testify, that according to the most exact sect of our religion, I lived a Pharisee

Act 26:6  And now for the hope of the promise having been made by God to the fathers, I stand being judged; 

Act 26:7  to which our twelve tribes hope to arrive, worshiping in earnestness night and day, concerning which hope I am accused by the Jews, king Agrippa. 

Act 26:8  Why is it judged unbelievable by you if God raises the dead? 

Act 26:9  Indeed, I then thought to myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus the Nazarene, 

Act 26:10  which I also did in Jerusalem, I also shut up many of the saints in prisons, receiving authority from the chief priests; and they being put to death, I cast a vote

Act 26:11  And often punishing them through all the synagogues, I compelled them to blaspheme. And being exceedingly furious against them, I even persecuted as far as the outside cities. 

Act 26:12  In which also traveling to Damascus with authority and decision power from the chief priests, 

Act 26:13  at midday along the highway, O king, I and those with me saw a light from heaven shining around me above the brightness of the sun. 

Act 26:14  And all of us falling to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Hebrew dialect, Saul, Saul why do you persecute Me? It is hard for you to kick against the prods. 

Act 26:15  And I said, Who are you, Sir? And He said, I am Jesus whom you persecute; 

Act 26:16  but rise up and stand on your feet, for it is for this reason I appeared to you, to appoint you a servant and a witness both of what you saw, and in what I shall appear to you, 

Act 26:17  having delivered you from the people and the nations, to whom I now send you

Act 26:18  to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the authority of Satan to God, in order that they may receive remission of sins, and an inheritance among those being sanctified by faith in Me. 

Act 26:19  Upon this, king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 

Act 26:20  but to those first in Damascus, and Jerusalem, and to all the country of Judea, and to the nations, I proclaimed the command to repent and to turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance. 

Act 26:21  Because of these things, having seized me in the temple, the Jews tried to kill me

Act 26:22  Then obtaining help from God, I stand until this day, witnessing both to small and to great, saying nothing else than what the prophets and Moses also said was going to happen: 

Act 26:23  whether Christ was liable to suffer, whether first by a resurrection of the dead He was going to proclaim light to the people and to the nations. 

Act 26:24  And he defending himself with these things, Festus said with a loud voice, Paul, You rave! Your many letters turned you into madness

Act 26:25  But he said, Not to madness, most excellent Festus, but I speak words of truth and sanity

Act 26:26  For the king understands about these things, to whom I speak, even being bold of speech. For I am persuaded not any of these things are hidden from him, nothing. For the doing of this is not in a corner. 

Act 26:27  Do you believe the prophets, king Agrippa? I know that you believe. 

Act 26:28  And Agrippa said to Paul, Do you persuade me to become a Christian in but a little? 

Act 26:29  And Paul said, I would pray to God, both in a little and in much, not only you, but also these hearing me today to become as I also am, except for these bonds. 

Act 26:30  And he saying these things, the king and the governor and Bernice rose up, and those who sat with them. 

Act 26:31  And having gone aside, they spoke to one another saying, This man does nothing worthy of death or of bonds. 

Act 26:32  And Agrippa said to Festus, This man was able to have been let go, if he had not appealed to Caesar. 



Verses 1-3: Agrippa gives Paul the chance to speak.

1. What is Paul’s attitude? He is happy to do so and he is courteous.

Verses 4-11: Paul recounts who he was. A Pharisee. Against Christians. Ready to persecute those in The Way.

2. How does verse six summarize the gospel? Paul points to scripture to validate his hope. It is not without foundation. His hope is found throughout all of the Old Testament.

Additional: How should this statement encourage us as well? Our God was never a God of only one people. It was mankind's foolishness that led them away from Jehovah. He ALWAYS planned to capture our hearts through love.

3. Again, what about Paul’s life does he use as part of his defense? Pharisee. Agrippa understood the heaviness of this association.

Verses 12-20: Paul recounts his conversion on the way to Damascus. He is commissioned to help people turn from sin, to God.

4. What had Paul been doing all those years? (19) He was simply obeying Jesus, turning people to Jehovah through Jesus.

Additional: Be ready to define all the working components from verse 18.

Act 26:18  to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the authority of Satan to God, in order that they may receive remission of sins, and an inheritance among those being sanctified by faith in Me. 

The conversion to Christianity is one of complete submission to God's will and all the implications of us trying to be more like Him. Jesus is the example.

Verses 21-23: Paul's commission to the gospel is why he is in trouble. It is what Moses and the prophets spoke of....these things Jesus has done.

5. Who does Paul credit his current position to? The Jews have caused these problems for Paul, because of the Gospel.

Verses 24-32: Paul continues his dissertation. Agrippa accuses him of going mad from the gospel. Paul refutes the claim.

6. Describe the interaction between Paul and Agrippa. Agrippa has authority over Paul through government. Paul "soft" challenges Agrippa's authority (27) by directing the matter to God (29).  What is clear in the moment is that Paul is sincere and acts from a position of love, not (just) authority.

7. What is clear about Paul’s case? He is innocent of the charges.

Additional: What are your impressions of Paul as he stands before these prominent figures. What is driving Paul’s efforts? Love. Paul's love for God, the gospel and for his nation. He does not seek to be released. He is doing the bidding of Jesus: Act 23:11  And coming to him in the following night the Lord said, Be cheered, Paul, for as you fully testified the things concerning Me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify at Rome. 






Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Acts Chapter Twenty-Five

 Act 25:1  Then entering the province, after three days Festus went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea. 

Act 25:2  And the high priest and the chief of the Jews made a statement before him against Paul, and they begged him, 

Act 25:3  asking a favor against him, so as he might send for him to Jerusalem, making a plot to kill him on the way. 

Act 25:4  Then indeed Festus answered that Paul should be kept at Caesarea, he himself even being about to go shortly. 

Act 25:5  Then he said, those having power among you may go down with me. If there is a thing amiss in this man, let them accuse him. 

Act 25:6  And remaining among them more than ten days, going down to Caesarea, on the morrow sitting on the tribunal, he ordered Paul to be brought. 

Act 25:7  And he having arrived, the Jews coming down from Jerusalem stood around, also bringing many weighty charges against Paul, which they were not able to prove

Act 25:8  Defending himself, Paul said, Neither against the Law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I sinned in anything. 

Act 25:9  But desiring to show a favor to the Jews, answering Paul, Festus said, Do you desire to go up to Jerusalem to be judged before me there about these things? 

Act 25:10  But Paul said, I am standing before the tribunal of Caesar where I ought to be judged. I have wronged the Jews in nothing, as also you very well know

Act 25:11  For if I indeed do wrong and have done anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die. But if there is nothing of which they accuse me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar

Act 25:12  Then conferring with the sanhedrin, Festus answered, You have appealed to Caesar; you shall go before Caesar. 

Act 25:13  And some days having passed, Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived at Caesarea, greeting Festus. 

Act 25:14  And when they stayed there more days, Festus set out to the king the things as to Paul, saying, A certain man has been left a prisoner by Felix, 

Act 25:15  about whom, on my being in Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews made a statement, asking judgment against him

Act 25:16  to whom I answered, It is not a custom with Romans to give up any man to destruction before the one being accused may have the accusers face to face, and may receive place of defense concerning the charge. 

Act 25:17  Then they coming together here, making no delay, sitting on the tribunal on the next day, I commanded the man to be brought; 

Act 25:18  about whom, standing up, the accusers brought no charge of which I suspected, 

Act 25:19  but they had certain questions about their own demon worship, and about a certain Jesus dying, whom Paul claimed to live

Act 25:20  And being puzzled as to this inquiry, I said, Did he desire to go to Jerusalem and to be judged there concerning these things? 

Act 25:21  But Paul having appealed for himself to be kept to the examination of Augustus, I commanded him to be held until I might send him to Caesar. 

Act 25:22  And Agrippa said to Festus, I also was myself minded to hear the man. And he said, Tomorrow you shall hear him. 

Act 25:23  Then on the morrow, Agrippa and Bernice coming with much pomp and entering into the auditorium, with both the chiliarchs and the chief men, being of the city, also Festus commanding, Paul was led out. 

Act 25:24  And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all those men present with us, you see this one about whom all the multitude of the Jews pleaded with me, both here and in Jerusalem, crying out that he ought to live no longer

Act 25:25  But I having perceived nothing he had done worthy of death, also this one himself having appealed to Augustus, I decided to send him; 

Act 25:26  about whom I have nothing certain to write to my lord. Because of this I brought him before you, and most of all before you, king Agrippa, so as the examination taking place, I may have somewhat to write. 

Act 25:27  For it seems unreasonable to me to send a prisoner, and not also to signify the charges against him. 



Verses 1-5: Festus visits Jerusalem. The High Priest asks to have Paul sent to Jerusalem (so he could be killed on the way). Festus says no, but they can come and bring an accusation if they want.

1.  Festus thinks Paul is to be tried for some serious crimes. What is the real plan (unknown to him)? Murder. Perhaps those forty fellows who took an oath are still around.

Additional: Festus is no friend to Jehovah. How is Jehovah using him? Rome is the target and Festus is an agent of Rome. If Paul is executed and it causes dissent within the empire, Festus will pay for not keeping the peace. 

Verses 6-12: Paul is accused. He defends himself. Festus asks is he would go to Jerusalem to be tried before him. Paul says no, he appeals to Caesar. Festus aagrees.

2. What types of charges were leveled against Paul? (8) Paul states that he has not sinned against the law (of the Jews), the temple, or Caesar.

3. Why would Festus want to do a favor for the Jews? 

4. What appeal does Paul use?  Caesar, the highest request available.

Additional: Describe the confidence/boldness we find with Paul in verses 10/11. This type of courage is a repeating theme throughout Acts. The Apostles are armed with the truth, given to them through the Holy Spirit. Paul also knows he is bound to go to Rome. He is fervent for God and Jesus. He withstands Festus and pulls no punches. Festus should have known better and Paul is pointing it out. In a culture of face, Festus is left with no leeway. He HAS to honor Paul's request.

Verses 13-22: Agrippa visits Festus. Festus tells Agrippa about Paul and his case. Agrippa asks to hear Paul's case.

5. What dilemma does Festus face? He sees that his accusers bring no credible case. I believe he really thought Paul would get justice in Jerusalem. But now, Paul has petitioned the emperor. Festus is under obligation to allow Paul to do it, but to Festus, this is trite and unworthy of an audience before the Caesar.

Additional: Why does Agrippa want to hear from Paul?
Herod Agrippa II was the grandson to Herod the great who built Caesarea. (Ties to Jerusalem)
He also has ties to Rome and favors Rome when the Israelites rebel.
He is accused of having an incestuous relationship with his sister Bernice.
Bernice is the sister of Drucilla, the wife of Felix (the governor before Festus). Drucilla is notes as a Jewess in chapter 24. Being the daughter of Agrippa I means that she is 1/2 Jew and likely practiced the Jewish religion.

Verses 23-27: Festus puts on a big show for everyone, saying that he seeks their help on what to say to Caesar about Paul and the charges against him.

6. Relate the issue of Festus as an analogy in today’s terms. A state governor/attorney asking the supreme court to decide if it is ok for a religious faction to perform executions. 

Additional: Do we see the abuse of judicial power as is displayed by those opposing Paul? All the time nowadays.







Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Acts Chapter Twenty-Four

 Act 24:1  And after five days Ananias the high priest came down with the elders, and a certain orator, Tertullus, who made a statement to the governor against Paul. 

Act 24:2  And Tertullus being called, he began to accuse, saying, 

Act 24:3  Obtaining much peace through you and excellent accomplishments having come to this nation due to your forethought, in everything and everywhere we accept with all thankfulness, most excellent Felix. 

Act 24:4  But that I not hinder you more, I beseech you to hear us briefly in your fairness. 

Act 24:5  For having found this man pestilent and moving insurrection among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the Nazarene sect; 

Act 24:6  who also attempted to profane the temple, whom we also seized and wished to judge according to our law

Act 24:7  but Lysias the chiliarch coming up with much force took him away out of our hands, 

Act 24:8  commanding his accusers to come to you, from whom you will be able yourself to know, having examined as to all these things of which we accuse him. 

Act 24:9  And the Jews also joined in, alleging these things to be so. 

Act 24:10  But the governor signaling to him to speak, Paul answered: Understanding you as being a judge to this nation many years, I cheerfully defend myself as to the things concerning myself. 

Act 24:11  You are able to know that not more than twelve days are to me since I went worshiping in Jerusalem; 

Act 24:12  and neither did they find me reasoning with anyone in the temple, or making a gathering of a crowd, neither in the synagogues, nor throughout the city; 

Act 24:13  nor are they able to prove that concerning which they now accuse me. 

Act 24:14  But I confess this to you that according to the Way, which they say is a sect, so I worship the ancestral God believing all things according to that having been written in the Law and the Prophets, 

Act 24:15  having hope toward God, which these themselves also admit, of a resurrection being about to be of the dead, both of just and unjust ones. 

Act 24:16  And in this I exercise myself to have always a blameless conscience toward God and men. 

Act 24:17  And after many years I arrived doing alms and offerings to my nation, 

Act 24:18  among which they found me purified in the temple, not with a crowd, nor with tumult, but by some Jews from Asia, 

Act 24:19  who ought to be present before you and to accuse if they have anything against me. 

Act 24:20  Or these themselves say if they found anything unjust in me, I standing before the sanhedrin, 

Act 24:21  than concerning this one voice which I cried out standing among them, that I am being judged today before you concerning a resurrection of the dead

Act 24:22  And hearing these things, Felix put them off, knowing more accurately about the Way, saying, When Lysias the chiliarch comes down, I will examine the things as to you. 

Act 24:23  And having ordered the centurion to keep Paul, and to have ease, and not to forbid anyone of his own to minister or to come to him, he dismissed them. 

Act 24:24  And after some days, Felix having arrived with his wife Drusilla, who was a Jewess, he sent for Paul. And he heard him concerning the faith in Christ

Act 24:25  And Paul having reasoned concerning righteousness and self control, and the Judgment that is about to be, becoming afraid, Felix answered, For the present, go; but taking time later, I will call for you; 

Act 24:26  and with it all also hoping that silver would be given to him by Paul, that he might free him. Because of this he also more frequently sent for him and conversed with him. 

Act 24:27  But two years being completed, Felix welcomed a successor, Porcius Festus. And wishing to show a favor to the Jews, Felix left Paul bound. 



Verses 1-9: Tertullus lays out the accusations against Paul before Felix. The attending Jews are in agreement.  

1. Who is Tertullus and why is he there? He is a hired attorney, trained in Roman traditional court proceedings. His nationality is unclear. 

2. What is Tertullus doing in verses 2-4? It is common practice to address the court with respect. Tertullus seems to take it to a false flattery level.

3. Remember that these Jews wanted Paul dead. What was their accusation(s) against Paul? Insurrection among the Jews, the world and a ringleader of the Nazarene sect (implicating a radical nature). Profaning the temple.

Verses 10-13: Paul starts his defense.

4. Summarize Paul’s defense. I've been in Jerusalem 12 days. Not once was I teaching in the temple. Not once did I attempt to gather crowds. They cannot prove any of these accusations.

Additional: Compare the opening statements of Paul and Tertullus as they address Felix. Do you have any observations? Paul is conspicuously leaving out the false flattery that Tertullus speaks.

Verses 14-23: Paul further notes that the ones who accuse him are not even there! He worships the same God as them according to the Way. "The Way" concerns resurrection of the dead in which he has hope.

5. Paul further defends himself. What does he admit to? He worships God according to the Way (of Christ). Paul is further adjoining the resurrection of Jesus to the Jewish religion. He is correct. He worships the same God spoken of in scripture (Law). Christians being a "sect" is their word for his walk, and he is ok with that.

   a. What does he have to say about the Asian Jews? Where are they? They are the ones starting all of this.

6. Describe Paul’s imprisonment.  House arrest. He may have visitors. 

Additional: What does verse 22 indicate about the motivation of Felix? Once he knew more about the whole story. He could not proceed without further evidence from Lysias. As eloquent as Tertullus was, his hot air did not amount to much.

Verses 24-27: Paul preaches to Felix (to no avail). Paul stays in prison for two years. Festus takes over. Paul is left in prison.

7. How does Felix react to Paul’s teaching? Fear. I scares him.

Additional: What insights to Felix do we find in verse 24?  His wife was a Jew, so he was not without some understanding of Jewish religion. He was interested enough to hear some of the gospel but did not respond. We also see that he hoped he would gain financially through Paul offering a ransom for his release.

Consider the length of time Paul is in custody (27) and compare it to the promise in 23:11. Paul must have relied on this promise to foster his patience. What promise(s) do Christians rely on?

Eph 1:5  having foreordained us unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
Eph 1:6  to the praise of the glory of his grace, which he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved:
Eph 1:7  in whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Acts Chapter Twenty-Three

 Act 23:1  And looking on the sanhedrin, Paul said, Men, brothers, I in all good conscience have conducted myself toward God to this day. 

Act 23:2  But Ananias the high priest ordered those standing by him to strike his mouth

Act 23:3  Then Paul said to him, God is going to strike you, whitened wall! And do you sit judging me according to the Law, and contrary to the Law command me to be stricken? 

Act 23:4  And those standing by said, Do you revile the high priest of God? 

Act 23:5  And Paul said, Brothers, I did not know that he is high priest; for it has been written, "You shall not speak evil" "of a ruler of your people." Ex. 22:28 

Act 23:6  But knowing that the one part consisted of Sadducees, and the other of Pharisees, Paul cried out in the sanhedrin, Men, brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees; I am being judged concerning hope and resurrection of the dead! 

Act 23:7  And he having spoken this, there was a discord between the Pharisees and the Sadducees; and the multitude was divided

Act 23:8  For the Sadducees indeed say there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit. But Pharisees confess both. 

Act 23:9  And there was a great cry. And the scribes of the part of the Pharisees rising up, they were contending, saying, We find nothing evil in this man. And, If a spirit spoke to him, or an angel, let us not fight against God. 

Act 23:10  And discord having arisen, fearing lest Paul should be torn by them, the chiliarch commanded the soldiers to go down to snatch him out of their midst, and to bring him into the fortress. 

Act 23:11  And coming to him in the following night the Lord said, Be cheered, Paul, for as you fully testified the things concerning Me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify at Rome. 

Act 23:12  And it becoming day, some of the Jews making a conspiracy cursed themselves, saying neither to eat nor to drink until they should kill Paul

Act 23:13  And those making this plot were more than forty

Act 23:14  who, having come near to the chief priests and to the elders, said, With a curse we have cursed ourselves to taste of nothing until we shall kill Paul. 

Act 23:15  Now, then, you with the sanhedrin inform the chiliarch, so that tomorrow he may bring him down to you, as intending more accurately to find out about him. And before his drawing near, we are ready to kill him. 

Act 23:16  But the son of Paul's sister hearing of the ambush, having come near, and entering into the fortress, reported to Paul. 

Act 23:17  And calling near one of the centurions, Paul said, Bring this young man to the chiliarch, for he has something to report to him. 

Act 23:18  Then indeed taking him, he brought him to the chiliarch and said, Paul the prisoner having called me near asked me to bring this young man to you, having a thing to tell you. 

Act 23:19  And laying hold of his hand, and drawing aside privately, the chiliarch asked, What is it that you have to report to me? 

Act 23:20  And he said, The Jews agreed to ask you that tomorrow you bring down Paul into the sanhedrin, as intending to more accurately inquire concerning him. 

Act 23:21  Therefore, you must not be persuaded by them, for more than forty men of them lie in wait for him who put themselves under a curse neither to eat nor to drink until they kill him. And now they are ready, awaiting the promise from you. 

Act 23:22  Then the chiliarch sent away the young man, charging him, Tell no one that you reported these things to me. 

Act 23:23  And having called near a certain two of the centurions, he said, Get two hundred soldiers ready, so that they may go to Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen, from the third hour of the night; 

Act 23:24  and animals to stand by, so that setting Paul on, they may bring him to Felix the governor. 

Act 23:25  For he was writing a letter, having this form: 

Act 23:26  Claudius Lysias to the most excellent governor, Felix, greeting: 

Act 23:27  This man being seized by the Jews, and being about to be killed by them, coming on with the soldiers I rescued him, learning that he was a Roman

Act 23:28  And being minded to know the charge for which they were accusing him, I brought him down to their sanhedrin

Act 23:29  I found him to be accused concerning questions of their law, and having no charge worthy of death or of bonds. 

Act 23:30  And it being revealed to me that a plot against the man was about to be executed by the Jews, I at once sent him to you, also commanding the accusers to say the things against him before you. Farewell. 

Act 23:31  Then indeed taking up Paul according to the thing appointed to them, the soldiers brought him through the night to Antipatris. 

Act 23:32  And on the morrow, allowing the horsemen to go with him, they returned to the fortress. 

Act 23:33  Having entered into Caesarea, and giving the letter to the governor, they also presented Paul to him. 

Act 23:34  And having read it, the governor asked from what province he is. And having learned that he was from Cilicia, 

Act 23:35  he said, I will hear you fully when your accusers arrive. And he commanded him to be kept in the praetorium of Herod. 



Verses 1-5: Paul begins his defense. The high priest orders him to be slapped. Paul withstands the priest. He is told he has reviled a high priest. He says, he did not know he was high priest.

1. Why was Paul struck? He spoke with authority when he says he has a clear conscience. It insinuates his innocence and by proxy, the guilt of the accusers. No one gets to withstand a high priest to the point of losing face (by the high priest) without rebuttal.

Additional: Why did Paul back-pedal on his response (5)? He is perfect in his response. Not being aware that Ananias is the high priest 1) forgives an oversight 2) calls into question the validity of his right to the position without any direct accustion. Paul cites scripture to reinforce their position while leaving a passive/aggressive accusation on the table. The following verses bears out his tactics.  

Verses 6-10: Paul sees both Sadducees and Pharisees. He takes advantage of their differences. He claims to be a Pharisee and he is being tried for "I am being judged concerning hope and resurrection of the dead! " That causes a great uproar. So great was the division that the Roman chiliarc steals Paul away so they do not rip him to shreds.

2. What is Paul’s strategy? Divide and conquer. Some historians say that Ananias was likely a Sadducee. The discord over life-after-death was a major fight between these two factions. He speaks the truth of what he is teaching. That small note was enough to bring tensions and quarrels to the forefront. The Pharisees are DEFENDING him.

Verses 11-24: Forty men take an oath to kill Paul. Paul's nephew hears of it. He tells Paul. Paul has his nephew taken to the chiliarc to tell him. The chiliarc has 470 soldiers readied to take Paul to Felix the governor.

3. What was the conspiracy? As an oath, forty men promise not to eat until they have killed Paul.

   a. Who was involved? Forty conconspriators.

   b. Was the plot for murder or judgment? Murder

   c. How is the conspiracy thwarted? Paul's nephew overhears the plan and tells Paul who gets word to the chiliarc.

Additional: Verse eleven reveals an open door for Paul’s confidence. There are multiple facets to God’s providence at work here. Identify them. Jesus speaks directly to Paul and encourages him. The nephew hears of it and tells Paul. The jailer is concerned enough to take the nephew to the chiliarc. The chiliarc is concerned enough as well to send Paul away under guard. 

When can we know God is working in our own lives?
Jas 1:17  every act of good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom is no change or shadow of turning.

Verses 25-30: The chiliarc Claudius Lysias pens a letter to Felix. He tells of the plot to kill Paul. He says Paul is accused concerning Jewish law, but nothing that requires bonds or death. He is sending Paul to him so he can perform his own judgment. 

4. Is the letter accurate?  Mostly accurate. He did rescue Paul. He did leave out the part when he was going to scourge Paul to examine him (until Paul revealed their citizenship).

Verses 31-35: Paul is taken out in the night. The next day, most of the guard return and the horsemen take Paul the rest of the way. Felix reads the letter and asks where Paul is from. He says they will " hear you fully when your accusers arrive."

5. What is going to happen to Paul now? More defenses before a tribunal. Jesus has told him he WILL go to Rome.

Additional: Reread the chapter and note the similarities to the Sanhedrin’s treatment of Jesus. What do we learn from this? Not much has changed. The quickness to a mob mentality is still rampant in all of these cultures. The actions of the chiliarc are admirable to a degree. He sees that this is way over his pay grade and sends it up the ladder. 
The big difference is that Paul will be out of Jerusalem.






Friday, October 4, 2024

Acts Chapter Twenty-Two

 Act 22:1  Men, brothers, and fathers, hear my defense now to you. 

Act 22:2  And hearing that he spoke in the Hebrew dialect to them, they showed more quietness. And he said: 

Act 22:3  Indeed I am a man, a Jew having been born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but having been brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, having been trained according to the exactness of the ancestral law, being a zealous one of God, even as you all are today. 

Act 22:4  I persecuted this Way as far as death, binding and delivering up both men and women to prisons, 

Act 22:5  as also the high priest and all the elderhood witnesses to me. And receiving letters from them to the brothers, I traveled into Damascus even to lead those to Jerusalem being bound there, in order that they might be punished. 

Act 22:6  And it happened to me, traveling and drawing near to Damascus: suddenly, about midday, a great light out of the heaven shone around me. 

Act 22:7  And I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me? 

Act 22:8  And I answered, Who are you, Sir? And He said to me, I am Jesus the Nazarene whom you persecute. 

Act 22:9  But those being with me indeed saw the light, and were alarmed, but did not hear His voice speaking to me. 

Act 22:10  And I said, What shall I do, Lord? And the Lord said to me, Rising up, go into Damascus, and there you will be told about all things which are appointed to you to do. 

Act 22:11  And as I did not see, from the glory of that light, being led by the hand by those being with me, I went into Damascus. 

Act 22:12  And a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the Law, having been testified to by all the Jews living there, 

Act 22:13  coming to me and standing by, he said to me, Brother Saul, look up. And in the same hour I looked up on him. 

Act 22:14  And he said, The God of our fathers appointed you to know His will, and to see the Just One, and to hear a voice out of His mouth; 

Act 22:15  for you shall be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard. 

Act 22:16  And now what do you intend? Rising up, be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord. 

Act 22:17  And it happened to me, returning to Jerusalem and praying in the temple: I became in an ecstasy, 

Act 22:18  and I saw Him saying to me, Hurry and go out quickly from Jerusalem, because they will not receive your testimony concerning Me. 

Act 22:19  And I said, Lord, they understand that I was imprisoning and beating the ones believing on You throughout the synagogues. 

Act 22:20  And when the blood of Your witness Stephen was poured out, I myself also was standing by and consenting to his execution, and holding the garments of those killing him. 

Act 22:21  And He said to me, Go, for I will send you to the nations afar off. 

Act 22:22  And they heard him until this word, and lifted up their voice, saying, Take such a one from the earth, for it is not fitting that he should live

Act 22:23  And they shouting, and tearing the garments, and throwing dust into the air, 

Act 22:24  the chiliarch ordered to bring him into the fortress, saying for him to be examined with scourges, that he may know for what crime they cried out so against him. 

Act 22:25  But as they stretched him with the thongs, Paul said to the centurion standing by, Is it lawful for you to flog a man, a Roman not found guilty? 

Act 22:26  And hearing, coming near the centurion reported to the chiliarch, saying, Watch what you are about to do, for this man is a Roman

Act 22:27  And coming up, the chiliarch said to him, Tell me, are you a Roman? And he said, Yes. 

Act 22:28  And the chiliarch answered, I bought this citizenship with a great sum. And Paul said, But I even was born free. 

Act 22:29  Then at once those being about to examine him stood away from him. And the chiliarch also feared, fully knowing that he was a Roman, and that he had bound him. 

Act 22:30  And on the morrow, desiring to know the certainty as to why he was accused by the Jews, he freed him from the bonds. And he commanded the chief priests and all their Sanhedrin to come. And having brought Paul down, he set him among them. 



Verses 1-5: Paul begins his defense.

1. What does Paul qualify in his opening statements: He points to his education and elite status within the Jewish community. Taught by the venerable Gamaliel. Friends of the Sanhedrin Pharisees and High Priests. 

   a. About his source of learning? Dropping the Gamaliel name shuts the mouths of the lowly Asian (likely Hellenistic) Jews who were casting aspersions on his name. Along with his Roman citizenship, he far and away "outguns" them in the credibility category. 

   b. About his original position towards Christ(ians)? He cites his one-time hatred of Jesus' gospel and at the same time introduces his kinship with the elite Jews. 

Verses 6-21: Paul recounts his conversion and why Jesus sent him away from Jerusalem to the Gentiles.

2. Why did Paul see and hear Christ? "because they will not receive your testimony concerning Me." It was a lost cause for Paul to stay in Jerusalem. That is where he wanted to teach, but he was sent to the Gentiles.

3. In the beginning of his ministry, why did Paul think his Jewish brethren would believe his testimony? His conversion was 180 degrees. He was persecuting the believers. He beat them and sought to arrest them for judgment. He was in full agreement of the execution of Stephen.

Verses 22-30: The crow becomes angry with Paul and they call for his execution. The chiliarch orders that he be drawn and flogged (for examination). As they stretch Paul, he questions if it is lawful for them to do this to a Roman citizen. They stop. The chiliarch orders Paul to stand before his accusers.

4. Why did the commander want to scourge Paul? It was the practice to settle such charges, The one being so violently accused would be tortured until they confessed their wrongdoing and thus could be judged for the offences. 

5. What is scourging? As was the case for Jesus, a whip with multiple strands were used. Each strand had a sharp strong object tied into the end. Multiple lashes would shred skin away from the recipient. Many times muscle and bone were exposed and sometimes death occurred.

6. How does Paul avoid the scourging? He invokes his Roman citizenship. 

Additional: Identify the breaking point of the crowd. Why would this happen? 

Act 22:21  And He said to me, Go, for I will send you to the nations afar off. 
Act 22:22  And they heard him until this word, and lifted up their voice, saying, Take such a one from the earth, for it is not fitting that he should live
As we have seen throughout the dispensation of the Gospel, the Law has taken a back seat to the authority of Jesus the Christ. In reality, the Gospel did not threaten those who wished to practice the law under conscience reasons. There is no mistake that the Law will be phased out by this Way. It feels like an assault to those who wish to conserve it. The issue is that they want to conserve it for all the wrong reasons. They refuse to listen to God. They refuse to see the miracles for what they are. This is the same mob mentality that Jesus faced. 


Acts Chapter Twenty-One

 Act 21:1  And when it was time to sail, we having been torn away from them, running direct we came to Cos, and on the next day to Rhodes, and from there to Patara. 

Act 21:2  And finding a ship crossing over to Phoenice, going on board we set sail: 

Act 21:3  and sighting Cyprus, and leaving it on the left, we sailed to Syria, and came down to Tyre; for the ship was unloading the cargo there. 

Act 21:4  And finding disciples, we remained there seven days; who told Paul through the Spirit not to go up to Jerusalem. 

Act 21:5  But when it was time for us to complete the days, going out, we traveled. And they, with all the women and children went with us as far as outside the city. And placing the knees on the shore, we prayed. 

Act 21:6  And giving parting greetings to one another, we went up into the ship, and those went back to their own. 

Act 21:7  And completing the voyage from Tyre, we arrived at Ptolemais. And having greeted the brothers, we remained one day with them. 

Act 21:8  And on the morrow, those around him going out, Paul came to Caesarea. And going into the house of Philip the evangelist, he being of the Seven, we stayed with him. 

Act 21:9  And there were four virgin daughters to this one, who prophesied

Act 21:10  And we remaining more days, a certain prophet from Judea named Agabus came down. 

Act 21:11  And coming to us, and taking Paul's girdle, and binding his hands and feet, he said, The Holy Spirit says these things: In Jerusalem the Jews will bind in this way the man whose girdle this is, and will deliver him up into the hands of the nations. 

Act 21:12  And when we heard these things, both we and those of the place begged him not to go up to Jerusalem. 

Act 21:13  But Paul answered, What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I not only am ready to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus

Act 21:14  And he not being persuaded, we were silent, saying, The will of the Lord be done

Act 21:15  And after these days, having made ready, we went up to Jerusalem

Act 21:16  And also some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us, bringing Mnason, a certain , an ancient disciple, with whom we might lodge. 

Act 21:17  And we being in Jerusalem, the brothers joyfully received us

Act 21:18  And on the next day, Paul went in with us to James. And all the elders came. 

Act 21:19  And having greeted them, he related one by one what things God had worked among the nations through his ministry. 

Act 21:20  And hearing, they glorified the Lord, and said to him, You see, brother, how many myriads there are of Jews that have believed, and all are zealous ones of the Law. 

Act 21:21  And they were informed about you, that you teach falling away from Moses, telling all the Jews throughout the nations not to circumcise their children, nor to walk in the customs. 

Act 21:22  What then is it? At all events, a multitude must come together, for they will hear that you have come. 

Act 21:23  Then do this, what we say to you: There are four men who have a vow on themselves; 

Act 21:24  taking these, be purified with them, and be at expense on them, that they may shave the head. And all shall know that all what they have been told about you is nothing, but you yourself walk orderly, keeping the Law. 

Act 21:25  And as to the believing nations, we joined in writing, judging them to observe no such thing, except to keep themselves from both idol sacrifice, and the blood, and a thing strangled, and from fornication. 

Act 21:26  Then taking the men on the next day, having been purified with them, Paul went into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, until the offering should be offered for each one of them. 

Act 21:27  But when the seven days were about to be completed, having seen him in the temple, the Jews from Asia stirred up all the crowd, and they laid hands on him, 

Act 21:28  crying out, Men, Israelites, help! This is the man who teaches all everywhere against the people and the Law and this place. And even more, he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place. 

Act 21:29  For they had before seen Trophimus the Ephesian in the city with him, whom they supposed that Paul brought into the temple. 

Act 21:30  And the whole city was moved, and there was a running together of people. And laying hands on Paul, they drew him outside of the temple, and at once the doors were shut. 

Act 21:31  But as they were seeking to kill him, a report came up to the chiliarch of the cohort, that all Jerusalem is in a tumult. 

Act 21:32  He at once ran down to them, taking soldiers and centurions. And seeing the chiliarch and the soldiers, they stopped beating Paul

Act 21:33  Then going near, the chiliarch laid hold of him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains. And he asked who he might be, and what he is doing. 

Act 21:34  But others cried something else in the crowd, and not being able to know the certainty because of the uproar, he commanded him brought into the fortress. 

Act 21:35  But when he came on the stairs, it happened he was borne by the soldiers because of the violence of the crowd. 

Act 21:36  For the multitude of the people followed, crying out, Take him away! 

Act 21:37  But being about to be brought into the fortress, Paul said to the chiliarch, Is it lawful for me to say a thing to you? And he said, Do you know to speak in Greek? 

Act 21:38  Then are you not the Egyptian who before these days caused a riot, and led four thousand men of the assassins out into the desert? 

Act 21:39  But Paul said, Indeed I am a man, a Jew of Tarsus, of Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city. And I beg you, allow me to speak to the people. 

Act 21:40  And he allowing him, standing on the stairs, Paul signaled with his hand to the people. And much silence taking place, he spoke in the Hebrew dialect, saying, 



Verses 1-6: Various travels. They end up in Tyre. After several days they pray together and depart.

1. Was the Spirit telling Paul not to go to Jerusalem? Yes/No The directive to Paul was to go to Jerusalem. The Spirit was likely informing his disciples that was would suffer if he goes to Jerusalem. With that information, the disciples would not want Paul to go.

2. Describe the Christian relationship from verse 5. Love. The members follow Paul out of the city. It included entire families. Before separating, they prayed. Prayer, speaking together with God is a beautiful, intimate bond that is immeasurable.

Verses 7-14: Paul heads to Caesarea, to the house of Philip. A certain prophet comes and prophecies that Paul will be made a prisoner if he goes to Jerusalem. With that information, his friends beg Paul not to go. Paul convinces them that it is God's will that he go, and they become silent. 

3. Compare verses 12-14. Sometimes, our Christian walk is uncomfortable, hurtful (by others), or amy even prove an existential threat. This example was proven over and over again by the first century Christians.

Additional: Be ready to discuss the conflicting spiritual messages Paul is receiving about Jerusalem. See #3. Nobody of Jesus wants evil to befall the brethren. Our first inclination is to protect and extinguish evil. It is natural to feel this way. Our God is just. Even some of those perceived as evil can be reached through the Gospel.

Be ready to discuss the title Philip the “evangelist.” - G2099 εὐαγγελιστής euaggelistēs yoo-ang-ghel-is-tace' From G2097; a preacher of the gospel: - evangelist.

Philip’s daughters had the gift to prophecy. Look up the word prophecy in this context. What is the significance of this? G4395 προφητεύω prophēteuō prof-ate-yoo'-o From G4396; to foretell events, divine, speak under inspiration, exercise the prophetic office: - prophesy
This word is used interchangeably for those who would prophecy/teach/preach. It depends on the context. What is important to see is that women are not "second class" subjects in God's kingdom. Paul's instruction for women to stay silent in the assembly while the preacher is delivering the word does not relegate them to "menial" tasks within the kingdom. 

Verses 15-26:  Paul comes to Jerusalem. He is greeted by the brothers. Paul recaps the teaching of the Gentiles. Paul is warned that rumors accuse him of telling Jews to do away with Moses' law. He is encouraged to prove his dedication to the law. He is to help four men who have finished their vows of Nazarite service. Paul is to pay for their sacrifices and go through the "cleansing" period with them. 

4. What did the elders fear? Consider the Jewish beginnings and later infusion of Gentiles. See the summary above.

   a. What was their plan? See above summary. These actions were to prove his faithfulness to the old law to those who believed the lies about him. 

   a. How did the church deal with differences of opinion? The stronger faith yielded to the weaker. Not in doctrine, but as a courtesy to their weaker conscience. Paul is being maligned and lied about. The best course of action was to demonstrate that he did not practice what they said. 

   b. Does Paul ever condemn keeping the old law? No

Verses 27-40: Paul goes to the temple. Jews from Asia recognize him and stir up a mob against him. They drag him outside and begin to beat him. A Roman chiliarc brings soldiers and rescues him. Paul takes he opportunity to preach.

6. Who were these men who stirred up trouble against Paul? Jews from Asia. These were the same from North Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe that constantly followed Paul and mistreated him,

a.      How successful were they? As usual, it doesn't take much to create a mob.

b.      What did they want to do to Paul? They want to kill him. 

7. Describe the scene once the Roman soldiers arrived? Order and quiet. Paul again leverages his citizenship to gain an upper hand.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Acts Chapter Twenty

 Act 20:1  And after the ceasing of the tumult, having called the disciples, and having greeted them, Paul went away to go into Macedonia. 

Act 20:2  And passing through those parts, and exhorting them with much speech, he came into Greece

Act 20:3  And spending three months there, a plot by the Jews having occurred against him, being about to sail into Syria, he was of a mind to return through Macedonia. 

Act 20:4  And Sopater, a Berean; and Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia accompanied him as far as Asia. 

Act 20:5  Going forward, these awaited us in Troas. 

Act 20:6  But we sailed along after the days of Unleavened Bread from Philippi, and came to them at Troas in five days, where we stayed seven days. 

Act 20:7  And on the first of the sabbaths, the disciples having been assembled to break bread, being about to depart on the morrow, Paul reasoned to them. And he continued his speech until midnight

Act 20:8  And many lamps were in the upper room where they were gathered. 

Act 20:9  And a certain young man named Eutychus was sitting on the window sill, being overborne by deep sleep, Paul reasoning for a longer time, having been overborne by the sleep, he fell down from the third floor and was taken up dead

Act 20:10  But going down Paul fell on him, and embracing him, he said, Do not be terrified, for his soul is in him. 

Act 20:11  And going up, and breaking bread, and tasting, and conversing over a long time, until daybreak, he went out thus. 

Act 20:12  And they brought the boy alive and were comforted not a little. 

Act 20:13  But going before onto the ship, we set sail for Assos, being about to take Paul in there; for so it had been arranged, he being about to go on foot

Act 20:14  And when he met us in Assos, taking him up we came to Mitylene. 

Act 20:15  And sailing away from there, on the next day we arrived off Chios, and on the next we crossed to Samos. And remaining at Trogyllium, the next day we came to Miletus

Act 20:16  For Paul had decided to sail by Ephesus, so as it might not happen to him to spend time in Asia; for he hastened if it were possible for him to be in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost

Act 20:17  And sending to Ephesus from Miletus, he called for the elders of the assembly. 

Act 20:18  And when they came to him, he said to them: You understand, from the first day on which I set foot in Asia, how I was with you all the time, 

Act 20:19  serving the Lord with all humility, and many tears and trials happening to me by the plots of the Jews; 

Act 20:20  as I kept nothing back of what is profitable, so as not to tell you, and to teach you publicly, and from house to house, 

Act 20:21  earnestly testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Act 20:22  And now, behold, being bound by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing the things going to meet me in it, 

Act 20:23  but that the Holy Spirit testifies city by city saying that bonds and afflictions await me

Act 20:24  But I make account of nothing, nor do I hold my life precious to myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, fully to testify the gospel of the grace of God. 

Act 20:25  And now, behold, I know that you all will see my face no more, among whom I went about proclaiming the kingdom of God. 

Act 20:26  Because of this I testify to you on this day that I am pure from the blood of all. 

Act 20:27  For I did not keep back from declaring to you all the counsel of God

Act 20:28  Then take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit placed you as overseers, to shepherd the assembly of God which He purchased through His own blood. 

Act 20:29  For I know this, that after my departure grievous wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 

Act 20:30  and out of you yourselves will rise up men speaking perverted things, in order to draw away the disciples after themselves

Act 20:31  Because of this watch, remembering that I did not cease admonishing each one with tears night and day for three years. 

Act 20:32  And now, brothers, I commend you to God and to the Word of His grace, which is able to build up and to give you inheritance among all those being sanctified. 

Act 20:33  I have desired the silver, or gold, or clothing of no one. 

Act 20:34  But you yourselves know that these hands ministered to my needs, and to those who were with me. 

Act 20:35  I showed you all things, that working in this way we ought to help those being weak, and to remember the Words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive

Act 20:36  And saying these things, placing his knees, he prayed with them all

Act 20:37  And there was much weeping of all, and falling on the neck of Paul, they ardently kissed him, 

Act 20:38  most of all grieving for the word which he said, that they were going to see his face no more. And they went with him to the ship. 



Verses 1-6: Paul and his helpers travel in the region.

1. How do we know Luke joins Paul again in these verses? We se in verse five that Luke is with Paul. 

Verses 7-12: Paul preaches and speaks the gospel for a very long time into the night and into the morning. During that time, a young man falls out of third floor loft. Paul runs downstairs, hold the man and he is restored.

2. How long does Paul’s message last? All night.

   a. What should this teach us about “worship” time? Speaking the word among ourselves is a part of our worship. In this context, it was still fairly new. The power of God's word, when it is shared surpasses time itself. 

   b. What sort of things does you suppose they talked about? Paul was good at citing old testament scripture to teach this new way. Jesus had to be at the center of the discussion, with God as the main focus. Paul's main themes always included the power of faith, grace and living a transformed life. He wanted his disciples to focus on spiritual living and the rejection of sin.

3. Was Eutychus raised from the dead?

Additional: KJV: Do a word study on “young man” in verse twelve. What more do we learn about Eutychus?

Verses 13-16: Paul and the brothers travel and end up in Miletus. 

4. These men group and regroup many times, why? To cover more ground. These churches were "new" and so it was helpful to reach as many as possible in as short amount of time as possible. 

Verses 17-27: Paul addresses the elders. He tells them that he has taught them of repentance, faith, God's grace.....the gospel. He tells them they will not see him again. Essentially, he has done his best for them.

5. Why does Paul recount his time with these men? It is evident that Paul holds this group of men close to his heart. This is a "farewell" message to them. He knows there will be trouble for him and  he will not see them again.

Verses 28-32: Paul warns the elders to stay vigilant after he is gone. He says some of their own number will commit heresy.

6. What is the purpose of an elder? "the Holy Spirit placed you as overseers, to shepherd the assembly of God "

7. How will the “wolves” pervert the word? "in order to draw away the disciples after themselves. "

8. Compare verse 31 with 32. 31) Paul was their teacher for three years warning them what to look for. 31) Now they are to use that teaching to guide the church and repel false teaching. 
They're all grown up.

Verses 33-38: They all pray together. They weep and kiss Paul, troubled, knowing they would not see him again. 

9. Describe Paul’s relationship with these men. There is a bond only found in the gospel. Love is its foundation. A love for God and His people. Christians love all of God's creation, but those who study and grow together just have something that everyone else does not. We share each other's success and failures with God as our focus and standard. 

Additional: Be ready to discuss how sharing our spiritual journey through life binds us much in the same way as these men. Christianity does not promise prosperity of material wealth. It does not promise fame or being liked. If anything, it seeks to manifest the love of God in us. It forces us to be honest with each other and ourselves. For the world, that makes us targets of ridicule. When we suffer together, we are strengthened. When we are ridiculed, we become more resolved. When we fall, we pick each other up.

Acts Chapter Twenty-Six

 Act 26:1  And Agrippa said to Paul, It is allowed for you yourself to speak. Then Paul made a defense, stretching out the hand:  Act 26:2 ...