Saturday, September 21, 2024

Acts Chapter Eighteen

Act 18:1  And after these things, departing from Athens, Paul came to Corinth

Act 18:2  And finding a certain Jew by name Aquila, of Pontus by race, having recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome, he came to them

Act 18:3  And because he was of the same trade, he lived and worked with them; for they were tentmakers by trade. 

Act 18:4  And he reasoned in the synagogue on every sabbath persuading both Jews and Greeks. 

Act 18:5  And when both Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was pressed by the Spirit, earnestly testifying to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ. 

Act 18:6  But they having resisted, and blaspheming, having shaken his garments, he said to them, Your blood be on your head. I am pure from it; from now on I will go to the nations. 

Act 18:7  And moving from there, he went into the house of one, Justus by name, one worshiping God, whose house was next door to the synagogue. 

Act 18:8  And Crispus, the synagogue ruler, believed the Lord along with all his house. And hearing, many of the Corinthians believed and were baptized

Act 18:9  And the Lord said to Paul through a vision in the night, Do not fear, but speak, and do not keep silence; 

Act 18:10  because I am with you, and no one shall set on you to oppress you; because there is much people to Me in this city. 

Act 18:11  And he remained a year and six months teaching the Word of God among them. 

Act 18:12  But Gallio being proconsul of Achaia, the Jews rushed against Paul with one passion and led him to the tribunal, 

Act 18:13  saying, This one persuades men to worship God contrary to the Law

Act 18:14  But Paul being about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, If, indeed, then, it was some wrong or wicked criminality, O Jews, according to reason I would endure you. 

Act 18:15  But if it is a question about a word, and names, and the law according to you, you will see to it yourselves; for I do not wish to be a judge of these things. 

Act 18:16  And he drove them from the tribunal

Act 18:17  And all the Greeks having seized Sosthenes the ruler of the synagogue, they beat him before the tribunal. And not one of these things mattered to Gallio. 

Act 18:18  And having remained many days more, having taken leave of the brothers, Paul sailed to Syria, having shaved his head in Cenchrea, for he had a vow. And Priscilla and Aquila were with him. 

Act 18:19  And he came to Ephesus, and he left those there. But he going into the synagogue, he reasoned with the Jews. 

Act 18:20  And they asking him to remain over a longer time with them, he did not agree, 

Act 18:21  but took leave of them, saying, I must by all means keep the coming feast at Jerusalem; but I will come again to you, God willing. And he sailed from Ephesus. 

Act 18:22  And landing at Caesarea, having gone up and greeted the assembly, he went down to Antioch

Act 18:23  And spending some time, he went out, in order passing through the Galatian and Phrygian country, making strong all the disciples. 

Act 18:24  But a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus, being powerful in the Scriptures. 

Act 18:25  This one having been taught by mouth in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things about the Lord, having understood only the baptism of John

Act 18:26  And this one began to speak boldly in the synagogue. And hearing him Priscilla and Aquila took him and more accurately expounded the way of God to him. 

Act 18:27  And he having intended to go through into Achaia, having been encouraged, the brothers wrote to the disciples to welcome him; who, having arrived, helped much those who were believing through grace. 

Act 18:28  For he powerfully confuted the Jews publicly, proving through the Scriptures Jesus to be the Christ. 



Verses 1-11: Paul goes to Corinth, stays (and works) with Aquila and Priscilia. He teaches every sabbath in the synagogue. Silas and timothy come. Paul devotes his time to preaching. When the Jews blaspheme, he takes the gospel elsewhere. He goes to Jason's house (who is next door to the synagogue). Crispus, the synagogue ruler becomes a believer. Many Jews and Gentiles are converted. Jesus encourages Paul to not be afraid.

1. Paul works with Aquila & Priscilla as tent makers. When and why did he stop? When Silas and Timothy come, he devotes his time to preaching. It was imperative for him to preach full time. Paul at this point is the tip of the Gospel spear. 

2. Did all the Jews reject the gospel? No. Even the synagogue leader believed! At this point they must have understood that preaching in the synagogue was a case of diminishing returns. Paul knows to well how people can/will twist his message to get him removed or worse, beat up. What is most interesting is that he sets up church right next to the synagogue. Anyone wishing to hear the Gospel can hear it without having loud obnoxious detractors pushing back. 

3. Why did Jesus need to speak to Paul? Do not fear, but speak, and do not keep silence; 
There is only one reason to say that. Paul has already been through a lot. He is hounded wherever he goes. His life is in constant threat. 

Verses 12-17: Paul is dragged before a tribunal. Gallio is the proconsul who hears their complaint. He tells them that since it is a religious matter to take care of it themselves and throws out their case. Some of the Gentiles grab Sosthenes and beat him in front of Gallio, who is indifferent concerning the whole matter.

4. The Jews bring charges against Paul. Who was Gallio, and what was his attitude toward these charges? (See Summary)

Additional: Be ready to discuss the situation of the Christian church. Where was it? If you were an unbeliever (of Christ) in the synagogue what are you thinking? Why was there so much violence? This is a repeated theme of tradition and radical conservatism overtaking the word of God in the hearts of men (in some cases).

Verses 18-22: Paul travels various places and heads back to Antioch. At this point he is planning to return.

5. Why did Paul cut his hair? For a vow.

6. Did Paul flee Corinth? Why not? He did not. He was there 1-1/2 years. He was encouraged by Jesus to continue.

Verses 23-28: Paul continues traveling in his ministry. Apollos is recognized as a strong preacher. Priscila and Aquila bring Apollos up to speed concerning the baptism of Jesus. 

7. Is baptism not important, as some may teach? (25-26) No. Contrary to that thought, understanding baptism of the Holy Spirit through Jesus has to be included in the baptism process. It is not an after-thought.

8. How could we teach Jesus as the Christ from the Old Testament? Using the same passages we see in any of the New Testament. Virtually ALL of the Old Testament points to Jesus. Once we understand that the Old Testament has everything to do with God leading mankind to the sacrifice of His son on our behalf, we cannot "unsee" that fact in all scripture. 

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Acts Chapter Twenty-Six

 Act 26:1  And Agrippa said to Paul, It is allowed for you yourself to speak. Then Paul made a defense, stretching out the hand:  Act 26:2 ...